

If martial arts was only about kicking and punching, I wouldn't do it. Obviously, learning to stand up for yourself is important, but every one of my students can tell you how martial arts training has benefited them in their everyday life.

Vision statement

'Our aim is to reach the highest degree in humanity'.

Mission statement

At the Korean Martial Arts Academy, our mission is to spread the benefits of martial arts by providing the best possible personalised training to those who have a genuine desire and commitment to reach their potential.

Five purposes:

1. Training
At the Korean Martial Arts Academy we train TWICE PER WEEK, EVERY WEEK. Committing to this is the key to success. No amount of talent can replace training and no matter what your level of natural ability, training will always make you better.

2. Growth

We aim to teach the many benefits of martial arts training to people of good character, aged from 6 to 66. It is our immediate goal to have 88 ACTIVE STUDENTS at this school.
We need your help and recommendation to help us to grow.
3. Support

We pride ourselves in having a very FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE that is based on mutual co-operation, recognition and respect between the Master Instructor and all of the students.
Students are expected to help and support each other and can expect the same in return.
4. Progress
This is a black belt school. Achieving black belt is our first long term goal. Our short term goals are to have our students grade for a new colour belt every 3 months. Our philosophy of 'CONSTANT AND NEVER ENDING IMPROVEMENT' can take you from a raw beginner to an expert.
5. Mastery
Martial arts has been used as a method of personal development for thousands of years and our aim is to reach the highest degree in humanity. Our ultimate goal is to develop LEADERS OF STRONG CHARACTER who have integrity and respect.
Master McGoldrick performing a martial arts move

Student creed

I will develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or my physical health.

I will develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others.

I will use what I learn in class constructively and defensively to help myself and others and never be abusive nor offensive.

The tenets of Taekwondo

The first lesson in martial arts is to bow. Courtesy is about more than showing respect, it is about having respect and consideration.
We must first have respect for others in order to get respect from others.
This is doing what you say you are going to do. Remember that 'saying something doesn't make it so' , and that 'when all is said and done, more is said than done'.
Real progress is made when we put in effort over the long term. Nothing worthwhile in life has ever been achieved in the short term. Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.
Self control
When we are made to do things, we are controlled. Doing what we should do because it is the right thing to do is self control.
'Controlling others is powerful. Controlling ourselves is mightier still'.
Indomitable spirit
Winners never quit and quitters never win. The only way you can fail in martial arts is to quit. A black belt is just a white belt who never gave up.
Never ever quit.

Master David McGoldrick.

Discover what martial arts can do for you. Call today on 
01803 857197
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